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How do I fix no internet connection?

If you work from home, you’ve likely felt the pain of having no internet connection. You’ve checked device after device only to discover that you’re not connected, leaving you baffled. But fear not, there are reasons for this frustrating phenomenon, and we’ll take you through how to troubleshoot and fix “no internet connection” problems with your network in this post. We’re Image Hosting, a leading tech review site focused on all things related to the ‘Internet World Pipey Thing’ as Richard “Ricky” LaFleur would say
Let’s get started by checking your router:

Why is my router not connecting to the Internet?

The most likely cause of a router not connecting to the internet is that it’s not properly configured. The settings on your router should match what your ISP provides, such as IP address, subnet mask and gateway. Additionally, double check that you have enabled DHCP or have entered in your static IP address correctly.

If you’ve verified the settings, try to reboot the router or access point because as any good IT tech will tell you the first step in any issue is a simple restart. If that doesn’t work, it’s best to contact your ISP or router manufacturer’s support to troubleshoot further. If they can’t figure it out, it may be best to start investigating device-specific issues you may encounter. Many devices have built-in diagnostics or tools that can help pinpoint connectivity issues. Next we’ll look at possible connection problems with your device itself.

A basic WiFi Router

Device Specific Issues

If you have internet access on one device and not another, your WiFi router is likely not the issue. In this case, check for software or hardware problems with the device not connecting:

WiFi Connected No Internet Windows 10

With a Windows 10 device experiencing an Internet issue but connected to WiFi, first run a network diagnostic. Press Windows+Break/Pause key to open the system menu, then select “Troubleshoot”, “Network adapter”, then “Diagnose”. This will check for common software issues and may automatically fix simple problems. If that doesn’t work, check for updated WiFi and network adapter drivers, as well as any third-party security software which could potentially block connectivity.

Often a firewall setting will need to be adjusted, or a VPN or proxy service may be interrupting traffic. Disconnect or disable any of these to test your connectivity. With Windows 10, a corrupted network profile can also cause issues, so deleting and recreating the profile may help. To do so, open Settings, Network & Internet, Wi-Fi, Manage known networks, then remove the network from the list and connect to it again to recreate the profile. Next up, let;s take a look at Andriod devices that won’t connect to your wireless router.

Wifi Connected No Internet Android Phone

When your Android device can’t establish an internet connection despite being connected to WiFi, there are a few common causes and solutions to try:

First and foremost, you should check the router itself to ensure it’s on, properly configured, and not experiencing any issues. If the router looks fine, try restarting it anyway to refresh the connection. On your Android device, toggle WiFi off and back on again to reconnect and refresh the network settings. Often that can do the trick, but if not:

Your Android data settings may be incorrect. Open Settings, then Network & internet, then Wi-Fi, and long-press your connected WiFi network. Select “Modify network” and make sure the correct IP settings are selected. Usually “DHCP” is correct, which automatically assigns an IP address.

An app may be causing connectivity issues. Some apps can inadvertently interfere with WiFi connectivity. Try booting your device into Safe Mode, which disables third-party apps. If WiFi works in Safe Mode, an app is likely the culprit – uninstall recent apps one by one until the issue is resolved.

Your Android OS may need an update. Outdated software can sometimes cause glitches with WiFi and connectivity. Check for available updates to your Android version and security patches and install them.

If none of the above work, it’s possible there’s a hardware issue with your device’s WiFi adapter or antenna. In that case, you may need to contact the device manufacturer for service or replacement. One good thing about Android is that the devices are usually relatively cheap compared to their Apple cousins. Let’s take a look at those next and see if we can spot any differences or commonalities.

WiFi Connected No Internet iPhone

If you’re facing problems connecting your Apple device to your router, there could be a few possible reasons why. Firstly, check your network settings to make sure that the correct Wi-Fi network is selected, with the corresponding password.

If the settings are accurate and still no connection, try restarting your iPhone or iPad. At times, a restart helps refresh the Wi-Fi adapter and resolves any temporary software issues that may be preventing the Wi-Fi from working properly.

Additionally, if the above steps didn’t work, you could also try resetting your network settings and see if that helps to re-establish the connection between your device and the router.

If rebooting doesn’t work, you may have a hardware problem with your device’s WiFi adapter or antenna, in which case you should contact Apple support to troubleshoot or service the device. One thing that’s good about Apple equipment is the company’s support staff is knowledgeable and often able to resolve issues, or get a device serviced or repaired if needed.

Why is my Chrome Laptop Showing No Internet Connection?

One beautiful thing about a Chrome device from Google is the simplicity of the operating system and built-in functionality. However, when something isn’t working, like WiFi connectivity, it can sometimes be harder to troubleshoot as there are fewer settings and options to adjust.

Some things to try with a Chrome device not connecting to WiFi include:

The wireless network’s name (SSID) is broadcast but the network itself is down. Try connecting to another network to confirm the laptop can access WiFi. If the network is not the issue, it could be a problem with the device itself.

If the WiFi adapter or antenna in the Chrome device is damaged or faulty. This would require servicing by a repair shop or Google. Or it could possibly just be a simple signal issue.

If there’s an issue with the WiFi router or access point. Try rebooting the router, checking for router software updates, and confirming other devices can connect to the network. If other devices can reach internet services that aren’t just saved in their cache, the router is likely working properly.

WiFi interference from other devices or appliances can also affect connectivity. Try changing the WiFi channel on the router or moving the router to a different location in the home.

Connected WiFi Devices

How to Connect New Devices to my Network

If you just bought a new device and are struggling to get it WiFi Connected, here are some steps to try:

1. Check for device software updates. New devices often require software updates to access the latest WiFi security protocols and features. Install any available updates.

2. Forget and rejoin the network. Sometimes devices just need a fresh connection to the WiFi network. Go into your device’s WiFi settings and “forget” or remove the saved WiFi network. Then search for the network again and enter the password to reconnect.

3. Check encryption settings. If your WiFi network uses WEP or WPA security, make sure the password is entered correctly on the device. Also check that the device supports the WiFi security protocol you’re using. Some older devices don’t support WPA3, for example.

4. Reboot all devices and router. As a last resort, rebooting the WiFi router and the device may reset the connection and get things working.

Last Steps of Network Troubleshooting: Check With Your Kids!

As a parent of a Internet Prodigy operating multiple WiFi Connected devices, I have to include a section on this! It’s not uncommon for me to be streaming NetFlix while our son is downloading a massive file that makes our video choppy. Or for him to be playing an online game that bogs down the entire network. Often it’s a matter of talking with your kids and coming up with a schedule or rules for device usage to prevent overloads.

If you run into data issues, it may be someone else in the household eating up bandwidth with streaming or downloading. Having a conversation about being mindful of how much data or WiFi is being used can help keep the network running well for everyone.

At Home WiFi Devices

In summary, here are the steps to troubleshoot home WiFi:

1. Check device is on WiFi and has strong signal

2. Reboot device and router

3. Update router firmware and device software

4. Change WiFi channel to reduce interference

5. Talk to family members about bandwidth usage

6. Call Internet provider if issues persist

By following these steps, you should have an improved WiFi connection and better online experience.

If the problem still persists, you can try upgrading your data plan with your internet service provider. This will help you get more speed and bandwidth so you can enjoy streaming and downloading without any interruptions.

Happy Surfing Friends!

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